Shanie Salmon Enterprise


Launch, Run, & Grow your business

66 Tested systems to launch and grow your business.

Find the right system for your unique business. 

What's in the box?

Entrepreneur Toolbox
Entrepreneur toolbox

Run a 6-figure business without the 6-figure price tag

Finding the right tools for your business is a complicated, and expensive process. It does not have to be as complicated as you think. I have done all the leg work for you. I have put together The Entrepreneur Toolbox just for you. All the tools and resources that you need, tested, and tried, all in one place. To help you scale your business to the next level.

Entrepreneur Toolbox

Worksheets to identify your business needs

It is time to launch grow and run your business. If you are just launching your business, or you have been at it for a while, there is something in this toolbox for you. You do not have to reinvent the wheel. Take the wheels, put them on your vehicle, and drive. The best part is, it’s free.

This is only a preview of what is inside Download your free copy of the Entrepreneur Toolbox for the entire list of tools.


Shanie Salmon-Godfrey

Shanie Salmon-Godfrey, NCMA, MAA

Best-Selling Author, Entrepreneur, Professor

Launch your business in 90 days or less

Find the right system for your unique business.  Your business is unique, your systems should be too, find your unique system today.

Join the Diamond Pavé to connect with like-minded Entrepreneurs from all over the world.


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This Business planner will help entrepreneurs leverage their skills, gain clarity, and dominate their marketplace. Entrepreneurs will master the 5 entrepreneur mindset, set smart goals, plan events, media, and live streaming.

Business Plan
Goal Planner
Financial Planner
2-Year Undated Planner
Media Streaming Planner
Expense Tracker
Event Planner
And So Much More

This Business Resource Planner is more than a planner. Everything you need to launch, grow, and manage your business is included in this planner. 

Entrepreneur Toolbox: Business Planner

Buy Now

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